Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?
I was diagnosed in 2019 with CRPS Type 1 (no nerve injury). This year that was changed to Type 2 (with nerve injury) after Physical Therapist and Pain Management Dr isolated an injured nerve.
There is no diagnostic test for CRPS, it's a diagnosis of exclusion.
It took my Orthopedic Surgeon 6mos to finally see the symptoms to diagnose me. He immediately had a specialist in to see me..within 30 min. , who was able to confirm diagnosis based on symptoms and history.
I have a Spinal Cord Stimulator implant, take Gabapentin and in Physical Therapy. My Pain Management Dr has done some nerve blocks and referred me to a surgeon for a Saphenous Neurectomy (had that done 8 mos ago). I utilize Graded Motor Imagery, Sensory Discrimination, Desensitization and Mirror Therapy.
Yes, I have in 2015
Yes, I have it. Can I help you with anything?
So really you would have to pay to get justice so sorry you had to go through all of that.
I am so sorry you went through all of that ..... thanks for sharing this...... I will be praying for you... if you don't mind
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Has Anyone Had Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
I'm Trying To Find Out What Is Wrong With Me. Every Doctor I've Been To Has No Clue What Could Be Wrong.