Where Did All The Caring Dr’s Go?
I’m so saddened by the nature of the medical community. 10 yrs ago I had a wonderful doctor that was the most caring, wonderful doctor and friend. He diagnosed me in 2000 with lupus and fibromyalgia and severe degenerative disc disease. I had spinal fusion, and two spinal implants. He passed away in 2011 and it’s been a nightmare ever since. My doctor I’ve had for the last 4 years decided yesterday that I need to go to a pain specialist dr. I can not afford a specialist. I’ve been on the same… read more
Kelly, I have read that doctors don't really want to get involved with patients that have chronic illness because the CDC etc are making it almost impossible to prescribe narcotics and other meds. Honestly, my primary makes me feel like I am "trouble". I actually have told him that I think he looks at me like "the pain in the ass patient". So vent on. We know what it's like. ❤️☮️🌹🎃 Darlene
You can vent your frustrations here anytime. We are suppose support each other especially on this site. I hope you are having a low pain day!
My whole body gets chills reading these two post...I do not take meds. Still am feeling like I am a patient first and not looked at as a human with...I am feeling like I just want to crawl into a hole and wither away out of site out of mind. I feel like a burden to my family and nonexistent to my friends. 😪
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