Looking For A Fibromyalgia Specialist MD In Iowa. Anyone Know Someone Available To Accept Another Patient Or Just A Good Reference.
My current doctor knows little about Fibromyalgia and I have to continue tying to treat my condition.
Most, if not all, rheumatologists treat Fibromyalgia. If you are near a medical college that would be a great place to look for one.
Best wishes to you
I’m living in Iowa… let me check around.
Seems to be the same problem everywhere. I was diagnosed with fibro about ten years ago and gave come to realize doctors know very little about this. I like natural remedies, yes I even had medical Marijuana license and let it expire; I get lazy, lay around and eat wrong foods which makes my body even worse. I tried so many meds (which I hate taking) but have finally found the best relief yet and yes it's with meds! I take this pain medication with a pretty strong antidrepressant and it does wonders for the most... we all know how bad depression and stress is when you battle chronic pain all the time. Along with fibro I have various types of arthritis throughout entire body including jaws. I also suffer IBS, gluten allergies, lactose, deteriorated disc in neck and spine as well as turn rotator cuffs. I don't push anyone towards meds but highly suggest you ask your doctor for the two I take and with my aliments it help so much. Also diet.... gluten free is the best and I love cheeseburgers, cookies and homemade bread. Good luck. 😊
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