Does Anyone Ever Fear Being “locked In?” My Body Feels Wretched While My Mind Is Ready To Go Jogging. Am I Alone In This?
The analogy of your body feeling like a prison is so true! In my head, I can still do the things I used to do before diagnosed. I still have so many goals. Unfortunately, my body has other plans and I am forced to "know my limits" as my son says. So, is that the answer you and I both seek? Would we be better off if we just knew our limits? I don't know. I pray both of us find our way out of our prisons. Let me know if you escape first! Hugs and warm thoughts to you!
I think about this a lot. My bady can feel quite like a prison and it’s easy for me to slip into feeling sorry for myself. Im also looking for solutions to this
No, you are not alone. My mind is very (too) active and if it weren't for meds I'd have difficulty getting any sleep. My body has betrayed me so I spend the days online so at least my mind gets some stimulation.
Does Anyone Else Have A Crippling Fear As I Have? I'm Really Scared I'll End Up In A Care Home With This Pain And No-one Will Care. Alison
Do You Have Sweating Issues Regardless Of The Temp In Your Environment
Is Severe Anxiety Part Of Living With Fibromyalgia And Chronic Pain? It’s Just That The Older I Get The Worse My Anxiety Becomes.