Who Is The Correct Medical Professional To See Regarding Possible CFS / FM?
I have suffered with fatigue and widespread pain for more years than I care to remember. It seems as though whenever I mention this to anyone that I see medically, its as if they blow it off. I can't seem to get anyone to actually listen to me. Very frustrating. There are days when I literally have trouble putting one foot in front of the other to get what I need to get done.
Sometimes I feel like Dorothy Zbornak in "The Golden Girls" episode where she has finally been diagnosed with… read more
A rheumatologist or internist is who you want. A rheumatologist is who diagnosed my FM which leads me to CFD.
Next question you will have is what others are on. Lyrics with Tylenol for pain as I am older and have to watch my kidney and liver numbers. Some peeps get oxy I know but that has to be done carefully. Tramadol was amazing but my local GP took me off it. Said it was addicting too but in years I never asked for an increase.
Local GPs don't get it.
I have cyclobenzeprine a muscle relaxant for sleep and trazadone.
Hope this helps....Nancy
My problem.. I’m 73 and have smoked pot for over 50 years. If I smoke now I get so high I’m banginig into walls. I think my nervous system is weak from all the pain meds. Oxycodone and 2400 mg of gabapentin for severe neuropathy in my feet. What do you all think. ? I have fallen. I’m a mess. Take insulin for diabetes. Tinnitus. Any real advice.
There is only one medication that works for fibromyalgia. It is the lyrica family name is gaba
Entin. I take 3ppmg twice daily 12 noon and 3pm it wears kff by 6pm so at 7pm i smoke half a joint of 23 percent indica lasts 2 hours then to bed by 9pm take amytriptiline for sleep. Minimum dosage wor,s for me.
So loved that episode of The Golden Girls. So true, I think we have all had a similar experience.
Cheers, Diana
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