Hi Is There Anyone Here Suffer From Fibromyalgia? If So How Many Years Have You Had It Or Have Been Diagnosed With It?
Hi I've been suffering from fibromyalgia since my early 20's and I think I've tried Tramacet but I'm going to see what my doctor thinks and try it again. I also have anklodosis spondylitis and ruematoid arthritis in my spine and knees, thanks 😊🙏I wish you a pain free life, God bless you
Hi i was diagnosed with fibro three years ago by the hospital, i take amitritilene 30mg at night but they seem to have stopped working as wwell as they used to
I have fibromyalgia and have had it for at least six years( have been diagnosed).This is an awful disease, I also have other issues to go along with it.
Yes maam i do and it has now been 7 years
Does Anyone Know Of A Fibro Friendly Doctor In Edmonton Alberta ??
Does Anyone Else Have Arachnoiditis?
Does Anyone Take Lyrica For Their Chronic Pain, If So Does It Help And Do You Take Anything Else With It,