Has anyone ever tried stem cell or prolotherapy for arachboiditis or crps?
Sorry I've never been thru that stuff
I personally opted to take Aledronic Acid with Caliciferol and Vitamin D. I tablet on Friday morning and I have had less stomach pain since my doctor changed it to Alendronate plus Caliciferol with Vitamin D-Fonat plus. Hugs Judy Australia 🇦🇺
I had prolotherapy twice for a back injury with no results.
HSCT is now covered under Medicare here in the states, if you qualify for it, if not, it costs about $125,000, if done in the states. You can get it done in Mexico, at a clinic that specializes in doing it, for $55,000. It is the same treatment that is done here, as a matter of fact, it was developed here, at Northwestern University in Chicago. Other countries do it too.
I have CRPS bilaterally in my feet. You probably won’t believe this but cryotherapy helped immensely. I had to stick my feet in ice water for 30 minutes 3 times a day for about 6 weeks. It was miserable but I saw a neurosurgeon at the Mayo Clinic and they put me in intensive physical rehab. I was in patient and they forced the ice water. I promise it works but it takes discipline because the ice water makes it hurt more in the short term.
I wish you well!
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