Does Anyone Use Belbuca For Back Pain?
Been dealing with chronic low back pain for over 17 years. I’ve tried all sorts of pain treatments and nothing has worked really well. My provider put me on Butrans patches but I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive. She has now put me on Belbuca. Has anyone used this? Did you have any success with it?
I used Norspan patches for a little while, but it did not work well. I stopped them. Bye, Diana
I also have allergic reactions to adhesives. In Australia this is called a norspan patch. I have the highest dose possible, 40mg. 2 days before changing patches i smear cortisone cream on the area where my new patch will be placed and this prevents the allergic reaction. A doctor suggested it. It always takes about 2 days for the new patch to start working effectively. So 2 days out of 7 I am in extreme pain, but the other 5 it works great. When I have pain throughout the 7 days I take Panadol forte when needed.
No, Belbuca is the same thing as suboxone, although it does work for some people but unfortunately you will always be flagged through the pharmacy system and drs as an addict even though you are clearly not.
Has Anyone Heard Of Naltrexone Or Used It? What Is It Exactly And What Does It Do? Pain? Depression?
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