Considering Pain Management Clinic
I’ve been to neuros, chiros, phys therapy, acupuncturist, massage, I am looking into and considering going to a pain management clinic for chronic neck and shoulder pain. Can anyone tell me if they’ve had helpful or unhelpful experiences with pain management?
Don't go...needles needles needles
Thats why I do not want surgery....these drs botch you...and then leave u....the drs dont stand up for us or themselves...just awful!!! Hope ur better now...or found someone to help
Hi mr. Eric I am so sorry you went through that and that is why I am going to be looking into putting up a petition hopefully on this website for all of us to sign to get the DEA to handle us people over 40 differently then they handle young people I cannot understand for the life of me why we're all going through this and such a horrible type of manner we all don't deserve this we all want to live our lives to be functional at least and not being a better in a chair all day I am very prone to breakdown of my skin on my buttocks just from sitting so I know I need help and I am not going to let anyone break my back which is needed for my back surgery which is a 12-month recovery in a 12-hour surgery my profile will explain my condition if you have any questions about anything you can always ask me no problem but I hope I can get this petition up soon so we all can have maybe some kind of Trance I'm getting our pain meds back and a considerable amount of time and then in a considerable way God bless have a wonderful day peace and love always Colleen
I went to advanced pain Management after trying everything else for my chronic issues.
I was very disappointed. The doctor treated me like I was an alcoholic and said that my illness was due to a lifetime of excessive drinking and smoking. He said I'll try to help you but I don't think I can. Then he scheduled two series of injections in the OR.
his attitude was absolutely awful. He said that he sees 3,000 chronic pain sufferers a year. He was very callous. However, after the first series of injections I couldn't believe it . I felt much better and the trembling left my hands and my signature actually looked normal again. it was amazing and for about a day and a half things were incredible. But, after about 36 hours all of a sudden it came roaring back with a vengeance. After the second series of injections I did not receive any relief.
I hope they're not all as nasty as he was. I went in there with a positive attitude and detailed notes about what I have been doing over the decades and he didn't even look at them. He just put me in the bucket with the other 2999 sufferers that he was going to see that year. -: to him we were all the same.
They billed my insurance about $20,000 for the two series of injections. My cut was the $5,000 deductible.
so, I would go in there asking a lot of questions. Ask him what he can do for you and see if he's honestly listening. If he just wants to stick a needle in you and hit the cash register - maybe you should consult with another very good physical therapist before allowing him to do so.
I've been fighting my battle for 41 years and the best tools that I have are exercise and activities along with a good diet, bed and shoes.
Write back to me if you have any questions.
I "climbed" the WHO pain ladder as recommended by my neurologist for my chemo induced peripheral neuropathy and found that only Percocet worked for me...45mg/day. Not pain free but at least I can sleep better. We pain patients are being persecuted due to a hysteria created by PROP and one Dr. Kolodny...go ahead...look it up for yourself. It's unconscionable!
Then, contact your State legislators and tell them about the intractable pain you are enduring from your State Medical Board due to their inability/unwillingness to understand that pain patients across America are suffering horrendous and unbearable levels of pain caused by State Medical Boards and the DEA who are imposing non-evidence based medical rules regarding controlled prescription pain medications, resulting in severe pain medicine shortages, thereby forcing legitimate pain patients to seek pain relief from unregulated sources, causing a worsening of our fellow citizens suffering from Fentanyl poison and death!
We must each find the strength to tell them, and to tell them in numbers too big to ignore...or they will in fact...ignore us! 💜
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