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Sjogren's Syndrome , Can I Please Have As Much Accurate Information As Possible Please?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Edmonton, AB

I would appreciate any and all personal accounts of suffers of sjogren's syndrome please.
How to be properly diagnosed... symptoms... treatments...and any other illness that piggybacks with it such as fibromyalgia, arthritis etc ...
Thank you in advance.

December 30, 2019
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Sojourn syndrome is an autoimmune disorder. It's somewhat like rheumatoid arthritis some of the Hallmarks this symptoms are dryness of the eyes and mouth. It's good chronic systemic inflammatory in origin any mucous membranes can be dry the eyes can become damaged and the parotid glands can become tender and inflamed there can be tooth decay from lack of saliva taste and smell may be diminished you can also affect hepatic biliary systems pancreas pancit is systemic salivary and tear secretions are part of the diagnosis and lab tests. Measures to compensate for the lack of glandular secretions can be helpful. Sipping fluids during the day eye drops drugs that cause dryness such as antihistamines may want to be avoided sometimes glands can be painful in these can be treated with analgesics connective tissue involvement usually is mild in chronic but you may want to check with your doctor to see if there's more recent treatments order available for this condition each cases are individual.

December 31, 2019
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

You need to find a specialist that is well versed in this disease. My brother has this. He was misdiagnosed for decades. Now he has chronic leukemia that piggy backed onto the sjongrens. Please do not take every non medical persons word for it, talk to a rheumatologist and if you are diagnosed, have that person give you the name of the best person in the field.

January 7, 2020
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I was thinking more about the condition that you were asking about. I think that it is a distinct condition but that some people for whatever reason are more prone to it than others. And I'm mainly speculating but I think that having a chronic underlying inflammatory condition mace Park the condition and maybe amplify the effects of it is your body's response to an underlying chronic inflammatory condition. And it may be because The Chronic inflammation and another part of the body Mets travel into the systemic path affecting essentially the entire body in various regions another words of global condition because the body is responding to condition in it sees a Potential Threat to it and that may be what triggers the global effects. And it's treatment May tap into a youth promoting treatment. The reason is because it does what part of the youthful system such as more Supple skin moist skin moist eyes well lubricated body all these things have to do with youthfulness. And so it may be that there's some trigger inside the body that if it could be found to control that region May control youthfulness and obviously the development of these secondary conditions. Because I don't think that treating individuals symptoms is really as much value I think it would be more helpful if the underlying condition was corrected I will think about it and if I find something I'll let you know. In the literature I've read it indicated that corticosteroid Administration was not helpful begets corticosteroid Administration does some of these things by reducing inflammation in certain ways it corrects some of these problems and that's how it helps alleviate various conditions administering these drugs however it doesn't necessarily work out that clear and simple when they are administered.

January 4, 2020
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Carrie I think that the condition is probably more common than realized especially in people that are getting older. My understanding is that it's associated with the circulatory immune components in the blood and it travels around the body systemically essentially affecting the mucous membranes that are associated with the membranes that secrete liquids to lubricate the eyes the mouth or other membranes that are associated with secreting liquid components. The eyes get dry or the mouth is dry. It could be an exocrine or endocrine membrane, mucous membranes. These types of activities are essentially anticholinergic in nature meaning that the cholines in the body are being antagonized so that the body's not being lubricated as result hence the dryness of the eyes and the mouth the skin and other organs or membranes thats cause drying of the body. The diagnosis is made by clinical findings such as red irritated eyes a dry mouth and the joints may be associated with arthritis from a lack of synovial gland secretions as well. I think some general beneficial things to do would be to help lubricate body and the joints by exercising drinking plenty of fluids avoiding things that dry the system out. First and foremost I think the best thing to do is do identify foods and drinks that help you feel the best so that you get your body feeling well first from a nutritional standpoint. It might be helpful 2 have an immunologist consultation and ask your family doctor for perhaps a specialist in this condition that may be able to help you and they can give you more suggestions. But I'll keep looking into it and try to find some things that would be helpful for you. You might have your vitamin D3 checked I will get back to you on this and see how you're doing.

January 4, 2020
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Thank you so very much for the information

January 3, 2020

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