I'm 75 With Chronic Pain. I Know Having A Cat Would Make Me Much Happier, But I Don't Have Anyone To Rely On If I Need Occasional Help.
I want to make sure that my cat will always have what they need. I've always had cats in my life, and the occasional dog. It would be great if I were close to an animal lover I could count on if my cat needs anything that I can't provide at that time. I know I would be less depressed but I don't want an animal to suffer because of me. Does anyone have any ideas about what I can do, or if I should not have an animal friend at all at this point in my life?
I think you will easily find a pet sitter if you can afford one. If not I would check your nearest Senior Center as they probably have volunteers who could help you out with the cat and maybe even more !! Good luck. A cat would be great for you indeed. Michael
Well the thing about cats they don't need a lot of taking care. Main thing would be the litter box..
Can put enough food out to last them a day or two.
Hope u feel better!
If you can get out of the house you could volunteer to help cats. That way you can be around them and enjoy the time with them.
I've found that automatic feeders makes a cat/ dog fat! My cat is huge! 20+ lbs. If you could find a feeder that would only dispense a certain amt every day.
Self cleaning litter box and self filling food and water bowls....just a thought.🙂
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