How Is Your System Of Social Security Arranged In Your Country
In many post i road some information about social security's. I know in Holland it is really well arranged How is that in America ? or Australia ? Here in holland we pay 130 euro of sickness costs every mounth i got all my medical care for it even my fysio therapy twice a week or surgery if its nessacerry . I am accepted as a disabled person by my city so i get substitiesed cabs and my step financed they didn t gave me ( i also didn t ask ) housework help, because i am not alone and my husband⦠read more
Good Morning...
This is pretty much the way I understand it. You work and the more you work you earn "credits". Those credits are also tied into a dollar amount. I was disabled by my Doctor, so I had to file back in 2006. Got Denied the first time. I appealed that decision and got denied again. Ended up getting a lawyer and going to court to testify and so the Judge could see me and look over my records. I didn't end up seeing the judge till 2009 (they are slow) and I finally got the notice that I was "approved". By that time, I was homeless, only getting $200 a month from the state and $100 in food. Then they base what you get by what you contributed. I was only 33, but had been working 90 hours plus a week for years so I had already paid enough to draw Social Security Disability. The insurance you get is Medicare and they only pay 80 Percent of most things, some not at all. The whole thing is still a crap show. I just filed bankruptcy and am back in debt again from medical bills. I barely make enough to live. I am about to lose my "extra help" from the government, which paid for most of my medication. I'm losing it because I make $1.26 too much a month combined with my wife. Its now going to cost me $2700/month for my meds so I will probably end up getting off the meds and I will be done for. Basically, the more you make, the more you get. I'm coming to live with you, lol. On a serious note, if I lose all my meds (19 pills a day), I will probably just end it. I will have NO quality of life and I will not put my wife through taking care of me every minute of the day. I am already a burden (in my opinion). I am Happy that your Government takes care of you!! You deserve it. I hope this helps.... Like I said, this has been my experience, others may have better or worse knowledge and/or a different experience. Hope you have a low pain day and wish you all the best!!! Scott
In Canada most of my drugs are free because I am retired. I do have a small medical plan that cuts costs like dentist but have to pay 100.00 per year outright then my percentages come off. Operations are free but take time. I get retirement cash each month about $1,200. a month. Luckily Deb works or is working at working. I grow my own medical marijuana because two ounces could cost me $440 on the black market and over at the government store $632. That is for under two grams a day, my lowest prescription is three grams a day.
Thank you for sharing @A MyChronicPainTeam Member sorry to hear you were homeless what a hard path to travel and you feel you re to much with your dissabilitys I hope your wife takes care of you with a warm heart. Please don t fill in how much burden you are you ' re precious. I understand your desperation its a very diffecult situation your in Compassion. Hope you can keep having and can affort the meds you need.
Praying for you and your wife
being a native means you can fish with a net. When you are hungry a single hook does not feed you well. I always wanted to, never have.
Being a senior I can fish without a license.
Did you know that being native there's no borders for you between our two countries , status is all you need to travel between out 2 nations. After all your ancestors were here 1st. Being unable to work anymore I'm broken my buddy the quadriplegic is disabled all though he does more In a day than i do. He passed away several years ago now I still use his strength as a motivator, both our families where Scottish immigrants. Take care on your journey with chronic pain
Is There A Movement To Join To Increase Awareness And Get Laws Passed To Protect The Chronic Pain Patient?
How Many Of You Hurt Your Back At Work? Dealing With The Workers Compensation System Is Tough. I Worked For Over 30 Yrs. At Last Job. π
I Would Like To Try Medical Marijuana I Am 69 Years Old With Chronic Neck And Arthritis How Do I Get The Prescription For That