Shoulder Impingement, Acromion Type-2, Can Cause A Lot Of Pain?
I have chronic shoulder pain since 2015, in 2016 after 4 cortisone shots (last one didn't help anymore) I had a surgical treatment on my right shoulder (Bankart repair).
After the treatment nothing has changed 🙁 I still suffer a lot of pain, since then, I took Tramadol Retard (100mg) every single day but it doesn't help anymore and when I double the dosis to 200mg I get nausea and difficulties with breathing.
The last MRI scan shows that there is Acromion Type-2, my sportmedical doctor… read more
I've had bi-lateral shoulder surgeries both had the same thing as you.... Painful and pt doesn't always help, but just hurt more... I did all the shots I could for both shoulders until it didn't work anymore... I was all good until the 4th of July 2019.. I sprang my right shoulder and just got back into pt. Start tomorrow praying it helps this time... Yes very painful I get what your going through... Be blessed..
Hey Ralph and Bug. Usually there's no THc in most cbd oils , THc does require sum cbd to help enhance strong THc, what I read was it pushes the THc depending on the levels. Take Bug keep Ralph going
Shoulder Replacement
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