Why Is It That Drs Still Charge Our Insurance To Only Refuse To Aid Our Pain? I Don't Think That's Right.
We all pay for services.
If we pay our providers we should get what is paid for.
What is included with a paid Dr visit?
Anybody question that?
It's time WE question what is given in exchange for the paid visit.
You should be eating live food not dead food. Fruits and veggies Glen prefably organic or do a pesticide wash.
That s right Brenda ..you can't just depend on the doctors anymore to fix something for you. Sometimes you need to help yourself. No one is more interested in your health than you are.
That's why I end up dropping Drs. I am finally changing my rheumatologist and I've decided to stop seeing the urologist. The only options for bladder control are meds that dry up the glands in your body and surgery. Neither really do the trick, s I'm going to stop wasting my time going to appointments. I started on medical marijuana on my own (no Dr suggestion) and that helped the pain the most. Unfortunately, sometimes you must do whatever is necessary without Drs help.
I waited for an orthopedic surgeon 2 hours past my appointment time once just to be told he didn't do hips. That was the reason I was there and what I had told the office staff. They even did x-rays of my hips and then the Dr told me he didn't do hips. He just wanted the office visit and x-rays from the insurance. I was so mad. Mostly because he had wasted my time.
I agree with that 100% Glen. I said that all the time about my last doc. Felt like we were cattle.
Is Anyone Else Being Forced To Get Off Their Pain Medications?
Has Any One Else Had Their Pain Meds Cut Because Of The Phoney CDC Report On Dosages 90 Mmg Morphine Equalivent ?
Is There A Movement To Join To Increase Awareness And Get Laws Passed To Protect The Chronic Pain Patient?