Osteoarthritis Pain And Back Pain Due To Degenerative Disk Disease
I have never been on pain meds or any anti inflammatory meds. I've had early onset of arthritis basically everywhere in my body. I'm 38 but I've had arthritis since I was a teenage. My back is shot. In the last couple of years my liver has been enlarging and my kidneys aren't in tip top shape. I have GI Bleeding as well. My body hurts every single day and I just continue to push forward. However it's taking it's toll on me. I need to find something I can take that will not hurt my kidneys and… read more
Don’t be afraid of opiate pain meds. What’s the worst that can happen not including death? The fear of addiction and people’s attitude towards narcotic pain meds made me suffer for years unnecessarily. I never told my doctor how bad it was so I wasn’t taking enough pain meds for my pain. We true chronic pain sufferers accept dependency as just another side effect and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Of course no one wants to be dependent or addicted, and there is a huge difference between addiction and dependency. Suffering needlessly helps no one. Do what you need to do you can get some of your life back?
I have used patches, time released opiods, and opiods released immediately. I prefer the pain meds that act quickly, I can control the amount better. But my Dr wants me on time released. They don't work as well, as I have a low level constant dose, but with immediate release I can take when needed.
Just because a pain patch is on your skin and not ingested like a pill, it is still processed thru your kidneys and liver. There’s no way to bypass those or we would.
Thank you! I did not realize that. I could definitely use one of on my back for sure.
There is nothing you can take that isn't processed thru liver or kidneys. Also your tendency toward GI bleeding requires caution with anything ordered for you.
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