Prayers For My Friends Little Girl!
I know this isn't a usual post, but could I have collective prayers for my friends little girl?! She had bad migraines and fainting spells for a while and just within the last few days her vision started to go and she has almost gone completely blind and only has half the vision in one eye, if even that anymore and the headaches aren't helped by anything now. They rushed her in for emergency testing today and I haven't heard the results yet, but they are thinking she could have a brain tumor… read more
My thoughts and prayers for her and her family, Lots of love.
Prayers sent
Prayers for the little girl. so sorry.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member I wonder if this kid has been evaluated for meningitis or encephalitis? I went back and checked her age and two other things came to mind. I may be way out in left field here but Mad Cow creates horrid brain issues and though nothing on Mad Cow has been in international news Australia, New Zealand (I think) and England have had issues in the past. The other is a bit rare but my hubby has one form of the disease and a Facebook friend has the bad version. Ken's disease is Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, no headaches to speak of, my friend has Psuedo Tumor Cerbri which is also classed as Intercranial hypertension. That form acts like a tumor putting pressure on the optic nerves and can lead to blindness and migraines. In both cases and types of those diseases the brain (ventricles) produce too much fluid (cerberal-spinal) which causes some traumatic issues. The worst of the two, the intercranial hypertension, is painful and debilitating. The other isn't fun but you aren't describing Ken's symptoms. It sounds more like the worse case issues. The most telling test for the diseases is a spinal tap with a microscopic study of that fluid. If the withdrawal of that fluid reduces the symptoms even for a couple of days you have your diagnosis. The microscopic on the spinal fluid will tell if there are bacteria or virus present. Treatment is a shunt from the brain to the stomach. She needs a consult with a nuerologist and a nuerosurgon if the tests point to any of the potential diseases. The 1st two I'm iffy on but have learned a ton on the last two. Ask @A MyChronicPainTeam Member for background. That was her area of knowledge. I don't know the New Zealand system but believe that she can request a consultant on brain issues. Tell her good luck.💜Barb
Prayers sent!
Does Anyone Else Here Have Desmoid Tumors
Decompression Therapy