Losing Interest In Hobbies Due To Chronic Pain?
During the last ten years since my diagnosis I have found myself losing interest in hobbies more and more.
Has anyone else lost interest in things that they used to enjoy due to their chronic pain?
Yep! As the years go by, even the things you love most to do seem to go by the wayside. My hobby/passion was metal detecting along with many other outdoor activities. The last 3 years without pain management has been horrible. It used to be, that I would try to do whatever I could and deal with the pain as it progressed. Now, without pain meds to help with the pain, I don’t push the issue. I know that if I don’t get back into pain management/pain meds my future is bleak. The last year and a half of family issues, vehicle break downs and my wife getting diagnosed with colon cancer just before Christmas, has been very trying. I had to take some money out of my retirement to pay the bills etc. It’s pretty bad when your spouse after colon cancer surgery gets around better than you do.😱 Thankfully it was stage one with no chemo or radiation after the surgery but it’s cancer. You never feel 100% safe after it enters your life. A colonoscopy in a few months will help with that. It’s time to get my shit straight and do whatever it takes to get my life back. I’m not gonna keep being depressed because of pain. Hopefully I can go to a PM doctor and get control of my pain. Either that or I’ll be starting up a poppy plantation!😱😀🤯🤯🤯 Good luck to all in whatever you do. May you all have some pain free time with no depression. I’m so tired of politics and self righteous people interfering with private individual’s healthcare.
Yes. Some of that is also from depression. I've lost interest in a lot of things, but I'm trying to push myself. I loved to read, cook, crochet and talk to people. My ability to concentrate isn't what it used to be and I'm distracted too easily. The PAIN from the RA in my hands make crocheting difficult, but I promised my daughter an afghan, so I'm working on it little by little. I love real books but have a Kindle now so that I can make the print larger and not as heavy as the big books I liked to read. My vision is affected by the Plaquinol that I have to take for complications of RA, but it effects my vision. That's all depressing!! 😔 I've learned to sit as much as I can when cooking because of back pain.
That was a very long answer to an easy question! I hope that it helps you know that you're not alone with this problem. Gentle hugs.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member I have to say most definitely yes! Since all the pain developed a few years ago I don't get to play the sports I used to love doing, and even playing guitar has become difficult due to the pain and stiffness in my hands, but I keep doing as much as possible, though it has been limited, I still do my best to keep doing the things I once did, but maybe just not as hard or as long as I used to. God bless everyone, Ron S.
GIMP you say I'll look into that. The weather is definitely getting weird , we've had a 2nd bloom so I've been taking picture of the Autumn/Winter Bloom , middle of November and there's no snow on any of the Mountains and we had 1 day of light rain. Still nights are quite cold but the Sun has been nice during the day, almost T-shirt weather , The Golfing is a Golfers dream winter rates and full greens no temps. To be honest it seems odd I don't remember not seeing snow all year towards our glacier. Could be warmer weather. Take care on your journies with chronic pain
I'll have to give that voice a try then.😄
Is the kindle format listed on Amazon or just downloaded from Inkit?
My eyes jump around to much to read more than some short messages or posts. Kinda flat out just now. Fell asleep while trying to get back in bed. Not sure if I was out anymore than 10min, but the pain woke me and when I tried to right myself, BAM I was hit hard and completely out of position to right myself. Providence had my teenage grandson was nearby and came to my aid. Adjusted my bed to as close to a zeroG position as possible, SCS and oxycodone have made me comfortably around 6. That's as low as I've been able to achieve for 2-3 weeks now and that's working it's way to 7 next. Just doing my best to get through to December's med trial. All cost covered by Loyola, who's sponsoring and administering.
Thanks for the info and the writing.
🤠Larry 🤓L 🐏Bock
What Do You All Find To Do With Your Time?!! I Live Alone And Wish I Could Volunteer But I Never Er Know What Every Hour Might Be Like.
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