Why Would Someone Experience Cramps Every Time They Poop?
I’ve searched the internet for this to no avail. It’s not related to menstrual cramps or a UTI. It’s also not diarrhea. Every time I have to have a bowel movement get terrible cramps that feel like the most severe menstrual cramps, even when not on period or ovulating. It’s daily and happens without fail within at least 10 minutes of waking, if the pain hasn’t already woke me up. I try to go to the bathroom and the cramps don’t always lead to a BM either. I always do eventually (some other… read more
Well, you need to see a gastroenterologist, and have it checked out. We can offer you a multitude of ideas, but nothing like a gastroenterologist. It could be a myriad of things. But from your picture you don't look very old, and I would have this checked out ASAP. Pain isn't something that you ignore.....it's a warning sign that something isn't right.
Karen (RN)
I get the same thing. Always chalked up to IBS. I have had tests and all.is fine.
If you are not constipated and you have checked with the Dr. That would be my guess but it could be serious. Best to get checked out.
This is very true......it's called "overflow".....and can happen and cause all sorts of problems.......even death if left for a long period of time. Bowel and colon problems are a very big concern when one is on any type of pain killer that is opioid based. Even marijuana can cause severe constipation. It did in me. I'm on a schedule of stool softeners to make sure I ALWAYS have soft, but formed stool....(sorry for the TMI) but it is the only way I know I can "clear" the last third of the colon daily. Also, what helps is water, water, water.......if you drink, on an empty stomach over 600 cc's of water straight away.....you will have a BM within half an hour...maybe even two or three. It causes the gastro-colic reflex to go into motion and starts the peristalsis of the colon going. It's a good way to use water in the morning. But you need enough of it to fill your stomach. I drink a bottle of water....those 600 cc's sized ones, and a quarter of another. That way have a BM which has been softened by the stool softeners and prunes and a very little prune juice the previous day. I stop drinking fluid at around 1 or 2pm......as this seems to be enough water for me. Of course, I end up peeing for hours afterwards. But it's worth it to know it's done it's job.
My teenage daughter had the same issue and after 4 or 5 times of having to be admitted to the hospital in a 6 month period they put her on Linzess for IBS she has been a lot better. Just because you have a bm doesn't mean you don't have a blockage you can pass softer bm's around a blockage.
Could it be Irritable bowel syndrome?
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