What Can Be Done About It
I am in the same boat every one else is in. But what can we do about it. I have 5 fused disc in my neck. Gone thru two surgeries. The ppl that need pain meds can’t get them. But ppl that don’t need them gets all kinds of meds. How can that be. And what can we do about it ?
I get it really get it.
Houma. La.
Maybe it's time to call him out on this. Just say the Tramadol doesn't work & You'd like to try such & such..and if he says : I don't prescribe that here..Say I beg to pardon?? I need something stronger for this pain..and happen to know you do .not to be disrespectful here, but I think I should matter too.
My PM. Will not give me any opioids. I get tramadol. My friend that goes to him gets everything. It doesn't make sense.
It's a crazy mess because mention that you can't find s PM Dr who gives you the meds that work for you and watch who knows someone selling their med's it's fucked up in so many ways
Has Anyone Been Told They May Have M.E /CFS And Feel As Though Their In Limbo Land Now.
Has Anyone Had Their Tailbone Removed? (Coccyxectomy?)