Are There Any People On Here, That Know If The Laws Are Being Worked On To Fix This "Make The People Suffer"
What I want to know is anyone Senators, any one in the Government, that can change these not thought through so well solutions to the abuse and miss use of pain meds, my quality of life sucks now that they are cutting me down little bye little, I now wake up screaming at night I am in so much pain. I would like to see a accurate chart that has the amount of suicides and drug over doses, see when they passed this, if some one ODed from heroin and was taking opioids , they would add them in with… read more
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member
I know there are a lot of people in your same boat. The US Pain Foundation offers insight & a set of tools to use to have your voice heard. I encourage you & everyone to speak up in a professional & rational manner. I know for a fact, they won’t listen to emotional posts. It’s unfortunate, but true. Please check them out.
I so agree! I doubt if it's the people with severe chronic pain taking meds as prescribed dying! We're paying the price for the opiate crisis.
All of my doctors and pharmacist agree! We would have to unite somehow and toss it out there at the CDC !
Im so sorry that you are hurting. I also know that the spike in overdoses has nothing to do with real drugs. The huge amounts of Car and acetyl phentanol. (fake dope) has caused an insane amt of deaths in this country. This is allowed by our govt. No way all this fake dope/poison has saturated the US without permissions. China is making it, it can be bought online. delivered here and sent right to your door. Why do law abiding people in real pain have to suffer? it's not right. I hope everything works out with your treatment. I will pray for you
Us pain foundation is ok but what we All need to do is call our state representative. I did and I was heard. The opiod crisis has nothing to do with long term pain patients with a long history of safe high doseage opiods to enable a little quality of life. Tell your doctors no. My morphine was cut 40% all at once. Have been on that same dose for 10 yrs. Totally ridiculous. Lets talk before Congress. Mri's dont lie, not many know the truth of what this life is like. Pain patients will resort to illegal sources for relief and really mess up this already screwed up country. Speak up and dont be pushed around
If you go to US Pain Foundation, there are a set of “tools” to help you respond to HHS. I implore you to have your voice heard.
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