I have never heard of this one. I have been on oxycontin, fentanyl, loracet, and librarians. In the pass. And at one time I was trying heroin. But I got away from that fast.
My doctor used sub Yuca in conjunction with for dilaudid each day and it's a patch that you put in the corner of your mouth in the mornings and evenings and it did seem to help relieve the pain because I went off of fentanyl patch because the DEA required you to have cancer to get it so now they close down that pain doctor I'm going to another pain doctor it's just all such a mess
I never heard of librarians? Are they a controlled substance?
What are your medical issues exactly?
Which one are you questioning? You didn't say.
Anyone Using Belbuca Have Trouble With Swollen Extremities Or Weight Gain?
BELBUCA. Film For Pain