Has Anyone Tried The Keto Diet? I Am Worried If It Has Any Impact On Inflammation Or Neuropathy?
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member good morning Tasha. I have just started trying it. I am not what you would call full blown Keto as there is a right way and wrong way to do it. But I have felt quite a difference in my conditions with IBS and arthritis just from cutting out the bread, pasta and processed sugars. I was a huge potato eater as well, and those too have to go. I would suggest reading up on it Maria and Craig Emmerich are among the best online books to read, Dr Amy Myers MD, The Autoimmune Solution also very good...but in both cases, ketogenic dieting is very close to the same thing. What you will find is that the Keto way of eating actually helps with inflammation from what I have been researching but the Myers book I just started and may even be better...but I am on keto now and have noticed a difference in the conditions mentioned above. But READ as Maria Emmerich explains...
people do it wrong quite often. They think they can eat ALL the red meats they want and all the fats etc...but there is a way to do it properly. I have been seeing some success. Even lost weight. So reading and online research is a must. I am still learning. Hugs and best wishes, RON S.
No i'vent try Keto Diet
HI Tasha...I think you will find it very interesting and very helpful..as I too am finding it is helping. The Amy Myers MD book the Autoimmune Solution is also very informative...so there may be answers out there for all of us, we just need to dig for them.... Hugs... Ron.
Thanks Ron! I will take your advice on reading up. It sounds like it might be right I my alley. Good luck to you! Keep in touch and I will too Higs
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