Has Anyone Received Platlet-Plasma Injections?
Interested in knowing if the treatment was successful.
I haven't, but would love to do it. Stem cell injections would be great too.
No. What n how do u get those??
Suggested to me over cortisone injection for small rotator cuff tears over cortisone. Cost to me would be $500. I have had cortisone in right shoulder and and relief was only 3 weeks. Doctor said PRP could give 6 months to a year relief. It is goven with no lidocaine. Don't know if I want to spend $500 for a possible short term solution. Right now my driving is quite limited because of the pain. Researched studies and I am not finding much concrete evidence this is effective.
No, I’m sorry. I never heard of it.
Good luck prayers keep us informed please
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