I Just Created A Petition Regarding The Opioid Epidemic. Please Sign
The petition is on MoveOn.org. Under petitions, tpye in search bar The "Opioid Epidemic" sign and share with your team. I have posted this and don't understand why I'm not receiving signatures. If anyone has a problem finding it, please let me know. It's very simple
Signed and added a comment, that probably is a bit over the top right now, because I have been denied my pain medication due to a nurses error...and then the fact that I use name brand and it has to be special ordered and Iām on my new special authorization from the insurance company all equal me without my major medication for a week..have you shared this on FB and Twitter?
Thanks Kelly. It's hard to tell who has signed because some people here don't use their real name. Friend me on Facebook, and I will confirm!!
Susan Floyd. My now current situation
Signed and thank you for creating! It's terrifying to think that we may not be able to obtain what, for many of us, is the only real relief we can get from chronic, multi-system, widespread pain. The only reason I can get out of bed is that I am prescribed [and legally obtained, and am taking as directed] pain medication!
So am I Lisa...if there are 2 Canadians that signed
Why Are We Being Treaing Like We Are Bad People Because We Are In Pain
Considering Pain Management Clinic
Has Anyone Else Decided To Go With Pain Managment Instead Of Pain Killers?