Need A Doctor Who Actually Prescribes Pain Medication
Can someone please recommend a pain management doctor in the greater Pittsburgh area who actually prescribes pain meds
I just got dropped today because I tried the medical marijuana card, my urine test at my current doc came back positive, and now I'm banned. I am in so much pain I could cry, but apparently even though medical marijuana is legal in PA, federal law still bans you from getting pain meds with it, and they are also forbidden from telling you that, thus you get kicked out of pain⦠read more
I wish I could help. Hang in there, and find someone who will stand by you, because things might get ugly if you can't find a prescriber.
Pain specialists look for the slightest reason to drop you. Mine did in January, because I was 10 min late for an appointment (I was being fired from my job 5 min down the road). When I arrived he'd left for the day. He called it a no -show, so that "broke my pain contract", which looks terrible to the next pain doc. I found no prescribers that took my now neccessary Medicaid within 100 miles of my SE Pa home. Cold turkey withdrawal off 90mg morphine-equivalents/day. Don't believe the nonsense that opiate withdrawal can't kill you. Maybe an otherwise well teenager, but not a 56 yr old with multiple health problems. I went to the ER by ambulance on day 3. Spent the next 3 months in inpatient or day program psychiatric care for suicidality, because my pain is intolerable. All hospital docs refused to manage pain as well. New "pain management" practice is merely a back injection mill. No concern whatsoever about pain, just getting you injected whether it is appropriate or not- as long as insurance will pay. Out of desperation I tried a steroid injection where my back hurts most- but I have generalized pain from neuro/ortho Lyme, fibromyalgia, and CIRS. Within 24hrs I got a raging meningitis-like headache (not a spinal headache) and abdominal pain. 2 ER visits, 2 to PCP, 1 to GI. No answers. Neurology next. I have been essentially bedridden the 53 days since the injection. They take no ownership of it.
I prayed for you, because I have compassion, and because I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone. Except for maybe the policy makers that have created this mess.
Anyone in the st Louis area...including across the bridge into ill, I have found a dr who prescribes pain meds still..dr gunapooti
Hello sorry what your going thru im on fentanyl 75s every 48 hours n 15 mg oxcodone. IIve been on them for years, now my dr which is Dr Park in Scottdale PA dont feel comfortable prescribing me this high dose after being on them for years, that is such bull. So i am looking for another doc now to take over my meds, but he does prescribe narcotics. Have your dr send your records and he reviews them and decides if he will take u as a patient. Advance Pain Medicine and Pa spine n pain, they both have multiple offices.they prescribe narcotics If you have any questions your welcome to message me.
It's getting more and more difficult to find a doctor to prescribe pain medication.It's just terrible with those of us that truly have chronic pain! With the war on opoids, we are being punished because of those that abuse it. Wishing you the best!
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