Does Anyone Else Get Frustrated With The Medical Community And The “waiting Lists” For Physio, Surgery, Pain Clinic, Etc.
Even here in Canada it seems to take a ling time to just get in to see physio therapy.
Not reaĺly
Waited a month to get into see a nuro (im in Ontario, Canada) got into see a rhumatolgist the day after i told my gp in wonted a referral to one.
Took two weeks to get in to have a brain mri.
All in all dont really see a long wait for getting stuff dun. Only appointment that took a while was mental health that took two months as it wasnt a rush just a general referral for a second opinion.
TracyMears, I do agree though the wait for physio, for a regular person is stupid, it's months. What is the point. If you have private insurance they will cover private physio. I don't have private insurance, so am under the Medicare I didn't have to wait because my former colleagues sort of pushed it along and and was a really severe case that needed physio immediatlely....but I still had to wait a couple of months. Like 8 weeks when I could have been doing therapy and instead was just home medicating the searing nerve pain. I do go to a private physio now for the adhesions in my abdomen.......I pay for it .....75.dollars a session. I have to pay for it myself, even though I am on disability. And you know how small that is!!! Less than 1000 dollars a month! It's like living on air. LOL.
Yes Karen1234 living on disability you find creative ways to do your own physio therapy!!! There is $3.00 days at the pool; I belly dance and do muscle isolation exercises, lots of walking now the snow is gone!!
Doctors have been taking me for a ride for over 2 years,with MRI'S,Blood tests,Different Specialists & Many Many Different Medications.I took myself off all Medication Because none of them Relief Nerve Pain.I have Bilateral Arm,hand Pain Numbness,there are times I can't even hold a fork & I'm forever Dropping things I'm Holding .I was Diagnosis with Bilateral Carpal Tunnel (Mild) over 2 yrs ago.Pain & the Ability to Function is only getting Worst. Now get this I saw a Hand Specialist & I was told the only help they can do for me is Surgery Starting on my Worst side the Right.I told I have to Talk to my Employer(Since I'm trying to be as Human as Possible.Called the Nurse Back the Next Day & I can't be Scheduled till October 2nd,You Might as Well Shoot me.Will Continue Story Later got to Go.!!!
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member it sure can be ! I can not pay out of pocket so it is off the table for me ...
Back Pain And Leg Pain Is Worse At Night, How Would I Try To Get Some Sleep.
Referral To Pain Clinic Refused