Does Anyone Know Of A Book That Helps One Deal With The Emotional Part Of Chronic Pain?
For example, making plans and feeling useful and productive. Self esteem issues.
Yes, "When the Body Says No" is an excellent book written by Gabor Mate......he works in Vancouver with a variety of patients. His books are excellent and he's not that difficult to get in touch with either. I emailed him to thank him for that book and he emailed me right back! I was surprised and humbled.
When the body says no
I found a book on that was published in 2015, so is not too far out of date: How to Live Well with Chronic Pain and Illness: A Mindful Guide by Toni Bernhard (about $14 for the paperback edition.) It has a 4.5 star rating, and the customer reviews were very positive. I'd give it a try.
Hope this helps!
Dear Kay,
Yes, indeed, "When the Body Says NO" by Gabor Mate will give more of an insight regarding the life of a patient with chronic pain and other illnesses too. Yes, it's very good for EVERYONE to read quite frankly. I wish everyone would read it. I wish my mother and my sons would read it.......but, only when it happens to YOU or someone you love very very much and you want to help them do people reach out. God bless you for that. May the pain be lessened today.
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