What Do You Do When The Pain Is So Bad That You Are Screaming Into The Pillow "please Make It Stop!"
I lost my primary care physician a year ago when he retired and left me with no doctor. FYI: In my state that is against the law! Now because of the whole "opioid epidemic" no doctor in my town will touch me! I can't even find any of these 1000's of pain meds that are sold on every street corner! Believe me, that is BS! So for a year I have suffered, alone. It has gotten so bad, I can't walk across the room without using a cane
And there are days like today when all I can do is scream… read more
Hi ,I find a mixture of dihydrocodeine, pregabalin, amitriptyline and paracetamol give me some relief from pain and the amitriptyline helps with sleep
Boy I hurt for you, and am scared to death about what I'm going to do when my Dr., Whose very close to retirement age decides to hang up her stethoscope. What have other people on opioid pain management done when that time comes?
It's hard to find a compasnate( spelling is wrong) Dr. I had to Dr. shop the beginning of this year! My old Dr. that I had been with for over 20 years is only taking other dr.s for pantients! He got a good promotion, so I don't blame him! But I loved him!! So we found a decent Dr. but he's not as good as my old Dr. but I have to give him a chance! I'm on ' tramadol' for pain which is the opioid family! My new dr. didn't want to subscribe it, but I've been on it to long for him to take me off of it cold turkey! So I get 60 a month! That's only two a day! That just isn't enough! But I'll take what he gives me! I need 4 a day to maintain my pain, which I'm always in! I have fibromyalgia pretty badly! I'll stop rambling on now! Hug's to all of MCPT! And anyone who needs them!
I "climbed" the WHO pain ladder as recommended by my neurologist for my chemo induced peripheral neuropathy and found that only Percocet worked for me...45mg/day. Not pain free but at least I can sleep better. We pain patients are being persecuted due to a hysteria created by PROP and one Dr. Kolodny...go ahead...look it up for yourself. It's unconscionable!
Then, contact your State legislators and tell them about the intractable pain you are enduring from your State Medical Board due to their inability/unwillingness to understand that pain patients across America are suffering horrendous and unbearable levels of pain caused by State Medical Boards and the DEA who are imposing non-evidence based medical rules regarding controlled prescription pain medications, resulting in severe pain medicine shortages, thereby forcing legitimate pain patients to seek pain relief from unregulated sources, causing a worsening of our fellow citizens suffering from Fentanyl poison and death!
We must each find the strength to tell them, and to tell them in numbers too big to ignore...or they will in fact...ignore us! 💜
I'm the same way honey. Been crying for days now 😢. Fibromyalgia arthritis degenerate disk dease arthritis depression and anxiety and other things causing stress and so much pain every day getting worse
Pain Level
Back Pain And Leg Pain Is Worse At Night, How Would I Try To Get Some Sleep.
National Pain Report...a Must Read For Everyone Fighting Back For Medication!!!!!