Hot Stone Massages
has anyone had a hot stone massage if so did it help my partner wants to treat me to one to help with the pain plus he said it may help to relax me with my other health issues I have a termer in my hands
I love any kind of massage. It helps with my Fibromyalgia. I encourage you to try.
Yes I use to get them all the time before I got a spinal cord stimulator, helped alot!!!! I really miss them.
As a massage therapist I perform hot stone Indian head massage and Swedish all massage is good for not only relief of pain, but for emotional and physical and psychological and spiritual issues. Hot stone or a combination of hot and cold stone therapy where appropriate will help. Hot stone heats the muscles at a deeper level making massage of these deeper muscles easier on the therapist ,but most beneficial to the clients I should add I have chronic pain myself and get a fellow therapist to do mine for me. I would recommend to try it see if it works for you, though there may be underlying reasons why you cannot receive H S massage some therapists won’t do it if you have fibromyalgia, or spinal fractures, however you just need to be clear that these are problems you have and any good therapist will do your massage but much more gently that on someone with no issues hope this helps you hugs xx
Finally after 1 year of chronic pain I went to a acpuntuture , and a CBD rub, amazing, She loosens the stiff muscles around the back, Gave me a small amt ot the CBD oil for myself, It seems to work some, So at this point Id try any relief out there besides our pain meds which are a must for must of us
I was in a car accident about 9 months ago now and have been seeing a chiropractor and a massage therapist once a week now. Massage has helped my back so much , she does deep tissue now and also cupping. The day after the massage my pain scale is down from a 8-9 to a give me hope . Hot stone is great but try the cupping a couple times ,, you will find a big difference .
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