Are There Others Here Who Suffer With Occipital Neuralgia?
looking for others who also suffer with Occipital Neuralgia.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member Mine started about 5 and a half years ago maybe longer I had been having headaches that were not bad but the normal OTC meds were not getting rid of. I remember on the anniversary of Mum's death I went with a friend to a nearby town for shopping (I live in a small town and this was a regional city) I had to get advil and even that wasn't getting rid of the pain. It progressed to feeling like I had been hit on the back of my head with a hockey stick but not that initial hit but the bruised feeling (I had been hit enough on shins etc.) Went to the doctor who thought it was sinus. the pain just increased then had a CT scan which showed they were fine. Finally after going to dentist, optometrist, physio we worked out it was ON. we tried different meds and finally we saw a neurologist which was of no help but then the pain specialist which was really helpful. Have tried infusions etc but finally I am now having botox because I also have chronic daily migraines.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member not good at all. I have a new Neurologist (private) and he is wonderful.
I believe you added me to your team long time ago
Dont know why it didnt come up on mine. Have added you to mine now too.
Id like to hear about your neuralgia
I have this and trigeminal migraines cluster headache had it since 2009 have had injections into c1 c2 12 times no relief (could have been more lost count) One injection I got half hour relief (could not believe the feeling of PAIN FREE) I have a 3 year old grandaughter who keeps me sane now She is the light of my life
I was diagnosed with trigeminal and occipital neurialga Migraines I asked about migrane meds but they said no. The neurialga mess never did much. Tegretol gave me a slight edge. Never enough. 20 years or more of medication ruined my gut. I don't take anything atm giving it all a rest to heal hence the big struggle
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Massachusetts ?
Problem Where Everyone Wants To Make Pain A Competition