Dr Shaming
I went to my RA dr.and never before have I ever been 'shamed' because I take medications especially pain meds. He's treating for myalgla pain with a low dose of prednisone for a 30 day trial. It's taken probably 80% of my body pain away but he said I had to agree to stop the narcotics. I have chronic back pain and cannot make it through a work shift without my pain meds. He also told me he wants me off all my other meds, I am to young he says. I have never encountered a Dr like this and was… read more
You know it is very interesting that original treatment methodologies have gotten lost throughout this hysteria. The original method written by the American medical Association was when a patient presents with chronic pain they should be referred to a pain specialist for evaluation, procedures and medication, and titration of that medication. Once The patient is stabilized on the medication the patient should be referred back to the primary care doctor for continuation of the protocol established by the pain doctor.
Somehow this whole protocol has gotten lost in the fervor of this hysterical opioid situation. It is past time for us chronic pain patients to stand up and take back what is ours which is the right to be treated properly for chronic pain.
Very informative and to the exact point of our dilema.(CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERERS). I think it's time to come together and tell our representatives in WASHINGTON D.C. to start doing their jobs and Represent us as well. They cannot and shouldn't pick and choose which plan is acceptable. They are NOT Dr.s. I am very concerned about my future without my medicine. I was not very productive before them.
Remind your Pain Management Doctor that the “guidelines” that he is following was intended STRICTLY for Primary Care Physicians. And anyway they are intended to be “GUIDELINES” not the law. Tell your Doctor to grow a pair and take care of your suffering!
Get a second opinion. Talk with your insurance about seeking another doctor. I saw an orthopedic specialist who shamed me for my weight. I was called grossly obese and told that I'm in need of a total knee replacement but he wouldn't touch me due to being grossly obese. I asked him well doc can you explain to me just how I'm supposed to exercise to lose the weight when I'm in such pain that I cry and it hurts to move. His reply was gastric bypass. I looked at him and said no thank you. My paternal aunt had that and now has a lot of medical issues she never had before. I came in here to find out about my knee not be preached to about my weight.
I "climbed" the WHO pain ladder as recommended by my neurologist for my chemo induced peripheral neuropathy and found that only Percocet worked for me...45mg/day. Not pain free but at least I can sleep better. We pain patients are being persecuted due to a hysteria created by PROP and one Dr. Kolodny...go ahead...look it up for yourself. It's unconscionable!
Then, contact your State legislators and tell them about the intractable pain you are enduring from your State Medical Board due to their inability/unwillingness to understand that pain patients across America are suffering horrendous and unbearable levels of pain caused by State Medical Boards and the DEA who are imposing non-evidence based medical rules regarding controlled prescription pain medications, resulting in severe pain medicine shortages, thereby forcing legitimate pain patients to seek pain relief from unregulated sources, causing a worsening of our fellow citizens suffering from Fentanyl poison and death!
We must each find the strength to tell them, and to tell them in numbers too big to ignore...or they will in fact...ignore us! 💜
Has Anyone Found A Dr That Will Treat Fibromyalgia??
My Entire Fam. Has CMT, I Have All Symptoms, Marker Not Found, Can I Still Have CMT?