Anyone Know If There's A Time Line For Getting New MRI Every So Many Years Just As Part Of Keeping Up With Your Overall Health,
monitoring of your spine to watch for changes and make sure discs or vertebrae haven't slipped or anything funky
I ask this because it's been 3 or 4 years to monitor the size of my cervical syrinx and at least 8 yrs since the rest of my spine has been looked at & I'm having increased pain in my hip joints and I think I've developed arthritis in feet joints and right thumb. Im afraid if I walk into doctors office with my shopping list of mri's I'll be told to hit the road, but I've had 2β¦ read more
Nuro said once a year is the recommended deal if something shows up in a scan if not then every 4 to 5 years for general review isnt uncommon unless there is drastic medical change.
Definitely justified if you are having falls
Good question. I want to try to ask my doctor for one for spinal stenosis and it hasn't even been a year yet. I'm sure my insurance would put up a fight if I got one now. Maybe after a full year. Or maybe a different type of MRI.
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