Does Anyone Have Total Disability And Receive A Check.from SSI Due To Fybro?
If you have please let me know how it went for you. Also please do the same if you are in the midst or have been denied.
I filed on my 50th birthday. At that point I had not worked in over a year and was in the process of trying to get a solid diagnosis .I am now 3 years out of work going on 3 years of having a lawyer. I have more diagnoses than i care to admit, yet im told it is a.good possibility that a hearing and then a check could be 2 more years. Im scared that my husband is going to… read more
What state are you in?and if you dont mind how old are you and do you have an atty? @A MyChronicPainTeam Member
I have been on disability for about 11 yrs. Am 61, in Michigan. Got a lawyer, they told me to apply, that I would be denied, but then they could take it on. They did, we won, took about a year. I received retroactive pay plus now monthly. I also had a bad back and thought I would get it based on that, but no, my claim won based on fibro...11 yrs ago, before it was officially considered a disability diagnosis.
If you get a lawyer, which I would highly recommend, get one that specializes in SSD, not just any old lawyer. Usually you don't pay them if you don't win. Mine had a percentage that came out of my retroactive amount so I never even missed it really. You can't be working when you try to get it. Fibro is now a disability diagnosis. I only had to wait about 9 months for a hearing. Does your lawyer just handle disability claims? If not, I would talk to one who does. If I read your story right you've been going on 3 years and have not had a hearing, and are told it will probably be 2 more yrs before you get to a hearing? Is that correct?
If so, please let us know, I xanthine find my lawyers name and phone no., it's a group, disability is all they do, they kept me informed every step of the way, even if nothing was happening. I'm sure others have Disability Lawyers they could recommend. Let us know how things go. With fibro and other DX's it seems you would be rolling along.
All states are different. DO you have a fibro or CFS diagnosis?
If you need help, holler? I can help? been thru it all.
Hi. I'm Berta from Chicago. I'm 57.
im glad you got it, I got mine right away, I thank my attorney every month. Where are your kids? the grown ones? If I may ask/
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