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Anybody Hear Of Or Tried Wild Lettuce Leaf For Pain?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Flint, MI

I have heard of wild lettuce being used by native american shamans for pain relief has anyone heard of it or tried it? I am not advocating it all i know is that it is legal and it is supposed to help pain but it may be the new snake oil that predatory people are preying on the desperate to get pain relief. Any feedback?

August 13, 2017
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I've dried some but looking for a guinea pig...It can be made into tea,tinture,smoked and poultus(they say that can irritate the skin).It says if you have prostate or glaucoma issues not to use it.It is mildly psychoactive and like morphine.I currently use cannibus at night to sleep but it's only good for 4 hrs.If I eat edibles then I can get 8 hrs.I can't smoke during the day.I'd never get anything done.I was wondering if I mixed it in with the cannibus?...If I get brave enough or hurt enough I'll try it and report back.

September 9, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

@A MyChronicPainTeam Member, I have read about it from an article a friend sent me. i haven't tried it though but know the medical effect is derived from the milky sap. but i'm not a botanist, herbalist, or shaman so apprehensive to trying it. i've seen teas and pills sold on net but could be fakes. don't know.

August 27, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

@A MyChronicPainTeam Member, I haven't tried it a friend from my past posted an article about it it on my face book. So I was curious about it. As it grows all over the Northern region of the states. usually from mid-west to the east. I took some botany courses but not an expert at all. i personally haven't tried it or know anyone who has but posted out of curiosity. currently, i cannot even afford the non thc form of cbd oil which i hear works well for some. I have medicaid/medicare and live off a small income. and now saving up for winter taxes and a new desktop ,which will take months for me and taxes are a priority. I am grateful to own a home even though it's not worth much on the market it means something to me as was my family home. I recently had to sign over in the event of my death that medicaid or the state will get it and my dream was always to leave it to become a no-kill animal shelter. which even in death i feel like get punished for being poor as this was and is family home for 51 years. i hope your pain is better than yesterday and that some joy comes your way.

August 24, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I used Passion flower for awhile, but didn't try the wild lettuce.

August 22, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

@A MyChronicPainTeam Member, i've used curry b4 it's used in a lot of indian dishes and if ya ever watch any british tv (not sterotyping) but at least on some shows it seems brits go out for curry like people in the states go out for pizza or americanized Chinese food. it is kinda hot and spicy. also tumeric is supposed to have an anti-inflammatory effect too. thanks for responding and hugs and hope your pain is less than yesterday and hope some joy comes your way today

August 16, 2017

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