How Long Does It Take For Your Pain Tolerence To Reset Itself?
My doc stated that our bodies reset our pain tolerance. I think it's bs as an excuse to not ethically treat pain but if true than how long?
I agree. I have been on same kind and dosage of pain meds for 6 plus years. Pain mangement ha thats a joke
Now please do not get me started on the kind of great knowledge and how some in this world see themselves as some type of god...we are all strong people that have weak moments...
I still need to import some pretty pictures to share...I can assure anyone reading our words that the pain we have have is not imagined!!!!
Anyone with genuine pain want to disagree...?
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member gee if only i(or any of us), could get paid to shake hands and tell people to breathe but i'm(and most of us) are too ethical and empathetic. oh, and i don't have that degree to have that kind of great knowledge. maybe i should start seeing a native medicine woman, i bet she'd have more empathy. watch out on a soapbox and a tangent. maybe my pain is just in my head and my mri's are just an illusion or a figment of my imagination. maybe all of us are just big babies. not. we are strong most people would be upset if in the same situation too. oh, and we all are breathing great sage of a doctor that billed you for that gem of information. if we weren't we sure wouldn't be reading this or anything else.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member Truly will agree w/ you on pain management...I am better off financially controlling my own. The one I saw shook my hand and told me to breathe through the pain and exited the examination room.
I do believe the body does adapt to different levels of pain and not everyone has the same level of pain tolerance.
I also agree with Chloemartine,sound's just Crazy Excuses to me!!! We All know that doctor's are too scared right now,to treat pain ethically!! They worry more about their drug licenses,than their patient's pain!! I also have one of those so-called Pain Doctor's!!! I get very little,not enough to take my pain to even a tolerable level these days!!
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