Do You Have Any Tricks For Dry Mouth
I've tried dry mouth spray, mints hard candy and drink constantly and nothing words. My mouth gets so dry my teeth stick to my lips. Any help or ideas are very much appreciated
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member.. I did just find out that I am a diabetic. I'm finding rinsing my mouth out with Mark mouthwash about six or seven times a day is keeping the dry mouth under control plus if I'm out and about I have a mouth spray that act without that works really great and to me it's better than the biotene. And I always have a bottle of water with me to drink no matter where I'm going. Much love π
The product is biotene, which helps with dry mouth.
For anyone w/ migraines and/or weight issues-artificial sweeteners are the enemy...these are the enemy for many and they do not know thus...Mayhap thumb sucking will help.
I have a constant problem with dry mouth due to medication. There is a product on the market, your dentist can give you the name. I can't recall it. But it has mouthwash, gum and a spray. This stuff activates your salvia glands and does work. Be conscious of your mouth breathing when awake as it creates dry mouth. Wear lip balm to keep lips moistened, especially at night. Hydrate as many times dry mouth is a case of not drinking enough water. Not juice, coffee or tea, but water. I keep mints or the like by my bed as zi have been awakened with a mouth so dry felt like was choking. This helps. Always keep water by bed as well. Good luck. I'm sorry you have to deal with this issue.
Something I do everyday is swish (now called pulling) with coconut oil for 20 minutes and one need not do this vigorously...Due to fibro and age I too have problems w/ dry mouth and for those of you taking meds that cause dry mouth this may also help. It also helps improve gum health. Works better for me than the artificial saliva and 1/2 teaspoon is usually enough-spit it into the trash and not in the sink-it has a melting temperature of 75 degrees. hopw this helps someone!!!
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