Biofeedback For Chronic Back Pain?
Has anyone tried biofeedback for chronic back pain? I've tried every other alternative therapy with little success. Turning Point KC has a free 3-session class in biofeedback and I'm trying to decide if I want to make the effort.
Go for it, the only thing I see you have to lose is your pain.
If you don't try it you'll always wonder about it. Works great for some clients
I'm almost always cold
Then when I do get warm I easily overheat
yes I have it works wonders also the tens unit
When I get cold I too finally get warm then easily overheat. My thermostat is broken because all my heat is in my core.
Because of the extreme heat, I only made it to 1 of the 3 classes. I'll try to sign up, the next time it's offered. From the class I attended, it seemed to be based on using meditation to heighten relaxation. Body temp (well, hand temperature) goes up when you're relaxed and that promotes blood flow. Great for people who are always cold, but I'm the opposite. Not sure if there's a way to lower my temperature.
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