I have been on fentanyle patches at 100mg for 3 years or more ñow my chronic pain dr has said he want to gradually wean me off them as he said it could be my dependency on them that causing my pain .has anyone heard of this at all .
@ Spanky You didn't...not at all! We have been programmed to react certain ways ow with certain phrases.... the "you don't LOOK sick" "but you look great" "oh, we all have little aches and pains" and "Yu are so lucky you get to stay home and not work". And of course, readingf words typed into a computer cannot give the true feelings behind the words, the facial expressions, etc. Its all good!!!! ((((((gentlehugs)))))))
Drs. Seem to use that as excuse lately !! What a load of 💩!!! Meds don't cause pain. Because of what is going on, I am bed bound myself ! My life is miserable, I feel like a caged animal !!!! I wonder if some of these drs go home and deal with guilt from lying! I hope so! I would love all these officials like the governor of NJ to walk or rather lay in my bed with my pain with no meds for just one day....RSD IS NO JOKE GOV. ...IT'S REAL AND I LIVE EVERY DAYIN PAIN ALONG WITH MY FELLOW WARRIORS. aWAKE UP AND LISTEN TO US, BELIEVE US PLEASE... WE ARE NOT ADDICTS!!!!!
Sorry TEAM having a really bad day today!
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member... I am so glad you stuck to your guns about your knee. Years ago, I felt I had an issue with my heart. My doctor kept ignoring me. I changed doctors. The new one refered me to a specialist. He had me wear a monitor for 3 weeks.....showed nothing. Said I was fine. I told my doctor the specialist was wrong. So she sent back. Wore a different monitor for a month, with a diary kept. Still nothing. The specialist swore I was ok (male doctor, of course). So my doctor asked for stress test.....zilch. FINALLY, they gave me an echocardiogram, which showed a valve regurge issue, which now is a murmur/mitral valve prolapse. WE KNOW OUR BODIES. (((((((gentle hugs)))))))
Listen up guys.....it took me 20 yrs to get what I need. ..
And I'm not lucky. ..my original neurologist/pain management Md.was under investigation by the DEA for over prescribing to people younger than 30 for no legit reason on top of that he had 2 sons overdose with one dying. ......My Dr.had to retire for life or go to prison....he was my Dr for 15 yrs. .
Colorado is ranked 2 in the US for opioid overdoses. ..DEA had come in cleaned out all types of opioids...everything its now in timed safes....we do 2 times the paperwork at the pharmacies. ...plus you need your ID to pick them up. ...I also have 8 manila envelopes 3"thick they scrutinized. ....I had to prove all over again why I was in those meds. ..
It has taken me another 3 yrs to get where I am today. ....
I'm sorry but please don't say I'm lucky. ...
Sorry for the rant and rave((((hugs))))
And I'm a senior. Who cares now if I'm on lifelong pain meds. Not I. It is a necessary thing. And no marijuana makes pain worse if it works for me anyway
What Is A Short Acting Pain Meds Besides Norco And Perks?