Is The New Limits On Opiod Levels Law Or Will There Be Doctor's That Can Prescribe What Is Actually Needed?
Two pain management doctor's have told me that my medication levels are too high according to the new regulations. My activity level and quality of life will be greatly affected by the lower dosage that is mandated by the government. Are there any provisions to allow doctor's to prescribe more than the mandated level? What about my rights to a higher quality of life?
LI can understand your frustration. For me I can not take Lortab, Percodan, Codeine so when I am in hospital they give me a look because I have been a surgical patient TOO many times I tell them , "morphine IV ONE day post op then tramadol and Advil. If pushed comes to shove I will take a dose of Demerol post op but always nauseating." *My point really was the "powers that be" don't like it when you tell them what works, that's why I stress documentation so.
If you or anyone is effected or interested just speaking to my Pharmacist yesterday and she showed me the FDA has made Tramadol a controlled substance but quote: "can not be classified as an Opiate, it stimulates the same pain receptor in the brain as an Opiate but is not chemically an Opiate". Don't know if that will hurt or help anyone but that is another FDA ruling on our life from their Ivory Tower! Good luck with your pain management.
I believe Tramadol has been a controlled substance in UK & Canada already but if it is being lumped with Opiods that is chemically wrong as I stated. Talk to a real pharmacist vs a pill counting corporate machine, he or she will know. They are having to deal with FDA in US for instance too or they could lose their business or licensure.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member
Thank you for your answer. I got off a lot of my meds,
1. Because I just want to.
2. I had a feeling it was going to go that way.
3. I'm tired of the old song and dance. Every F****** Dr Says the same thing!
4. I'M tired of re-telling my pain life. Just makes my pain worse because I get
anxiety,. .....
5. And I didn't want to go through the horror, of Withdrawal!. Worst feeling ever!
6. I know how to go to taper safely.
You know and I know those are guidelines, but the Drs are treating them (guidelines) law!!! Sooooooo! Annoying!!!!
Thanks again for your answer! And all the ones who commented,.
This is a Guideline by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Most of the original input came from initially primary care physicians. More Pain Management Physicians do not adhere to the guidelines, and if they do, you should point out that these are just GUIDELINES that are meant predominantly for primary care physicians. My primary care doc is very good, and I don't think he pays attention to the guidelines, but bases his decisions on prior practice experience. That's the type of doctor that you want!
Blessed Be!
Thanks for all of the feedback on my question. I believe that I will get a copy of my records with my first pain specialist which date back to 1995. When I tell the new docs that I have tried everything and the opiates are the only thing that worked for me, I always get a long stare. Thanks again guys!
I do know cutting someone off MANY meds. cold turkey is very dangerous. There is no excuse for that. Talk about do no harm...I wish you such better days and doctors !
Are You Concerned About Losing Your Medications Or Have You Already Lost Them?
Us It True The Goverment Plan Is To Take Away Opiated From Chronic Pain Sufferers?
Dr Shaming