Is Anyone's Dr Reducing Your Oxycontin/Oxycodone Dosage Due To Medicaid Regulations?
About 6 months ago ( same time Prince overdosed ) on opiates my Dr started decreasing my Oxy dosage according to Medicaid regs. It doesn't matter how much my pain has increased with the med reduction, as a nurse I was always told document the s/s and a pain score and that how you go about that, So why if she's documenting everything is this not enough for me to get the dosage that had worked for years like If it ain't broke don't fix it.
I live near Atlanta Georgia and my pain clinic a month ago put me on fentanyl patches got me all messed up and I wanted to go back to my time release morphine but they said laws were different and they made me go off the Fentany but they said laws were different and they made me go off the fentanyl cold turkey the last 2 weeks and the the last two weeks have been pure hell darned laws and darned criminals who steal and deal the drugs that makes the laws tough for that so desperately need it
My doctor took me off my oxycodon which was my breakthrough medication he left me with my hydro and some days i feel like taking a whole bunch just to get the pain to go away but my husband is so wonderful he is very vigilant when the pain is unbearable. my doctor told me to take tylenol i was so mad but trying to get by.
The Oxycontin being lowered because of Medicade sounds bogus, but they changed the hydros (w/acetaminophen, etc.) from schedule III to II. A lot of Drs. won't prescribe schedule II drugs (morphine, oxycontin, Dilaudid). You almost have to go to a pain management doctor to get hydros and other schedule IIs, and that's no guarantee, either. Good luck.
They had me wean myself off hydros all together and nothing has helped nearly as much since then. Sucks.
My Internist in Atlanta put me back on Fentanyl patch about six months ago. A reputable Physician WITH DOCUMENTATION CAN prescribe it !! I took myself back off didn't like some side effects FOR ME). He's not taking new patients but may be able to get you some names if you would like. Yes the withdrawal is awful & first go round I was on a HIGH DOSE & functioning due to my pain level and high tolerance for meds. Pre-Op the surgeon said this dose must be a typo but it wasn't........
Has Anyone Heard About The New Guidelines Set By The CDC For Prescribing Limit Withopioid Treatment For Chronic Pain?
Anyone Able To Get A Pain Med Prescription For Over 10 Mg.? 10