I Learned This Today If You Want To Participate You Can But You Do Not Have To. Since Your Injury Are You More Flexible Or Inflexible?
Mine is an illness (Rheumatoid Arthritis) and not an injury. I'm as stiff as a board, so inflexible.
I have Fibromyalgia, not an injury. Very inflexible.
Like a piece of timber. /Gentle Hugs Only.😉
Two cervical surgeries (redo's, failed fusions) with a plate and screws so definitely less flexibility. Haven't fixed my back (and don't want more surgeries) so everything is less flexible because it hurts to exercise and stretch. Everything is modified.
Very inflexible, I used to be a pole dancer which made me quite flexible as well as strong, Now I can't put my socks on without sitting down first.
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WA State Chronic Pain Patients Wiling To Stand Up For Your Right To Keep Your Opioid Medication And At A Dose That Works?