Has Anyone Experienced Itchy Skin Without Having A Rash?
A few months ago I have noticed I have a phantom itch that mainly occurs in my legs where my pain has been. I have no dry skin there or a rash of any kind sometimes it itches like crazy especially in my knees. Anyone else have this?
i have. for me, the itchiness pops up all over my legs, but is primarily on my outer thighs, shins and the bottom of my feet. so itchy...drives me crazy! i know it's not from my skin being dry - i moisturize every day and drink lots of water. my dr says it's most likely my nerves misfiring.
I have when I have been anemic have you had lab work done?
I have to use a calming itch relief lotion from Eucerin it works really good
I've had this for yrs. I was told its nerves. The itching stops at a point then I started having the feeling of small stinging .. Pens and needles once that starts its the nerve endings dieing that causes the pain..so its like a sign of worse to come ... I have restless leg and nuropathy do to having diabetes may not be the same for you but its how it started for me
itching behind knees soles of feet and lower calves its a nightmare that and pins and needles
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Skin Care