Does Anyone Else Have Burning In The Soles Of Their Feet At Night
Yes but not only at night! Take extra Vit D AND using Epsom Salts w/hot water for a full 15 mins! It was amazing the first time I tried it! Never knew it worked so well!!
I used to, I try not to wear anything synthetic on my feet now. I was told to wriggle my toes move and rotate them from the ankles. I also try to elevate my feet at night and as much as possible if given the chance during the day, even if it's for 5-10mins.
I also have a pillow at the foot of my bed to either elevate my feet or I use it to keep it free of my bedding from covering my feet so my feet don't burn up.
I don't know if it will help but they have me
Nerves are peculiar aren't they? I sometimes think this life just gets on my nerves literally.
Yes - but not always at night. and I have the pins and needles etc too. A friend told me low in Vit D causes pins and needles, but I haven't checked this with the Dr yet. I was very low in VitD last blood test and I now take one tab per week for 6 weeks. taken one but haven't stopped the P and N yet
My hypersensitive skin (on my shoulder blade & underarm) has been there for nearly 6 years now. I hardly go out as people think I am mad without shoulderclothes. All I want is to be able to wear appropriate clothes. Will it go away one day?
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Restless Leg Syndrome