Is There Anyone Else Out There With Lyme Disease?
I had a very difficult time being diagnosed eight years ago, but my current team is very supportive. Then again, I am not pushing for aggressive Lyme treatment right now either. I was bitten by a tick and got the bull's-eye rash when I was a child, but back in the '70s, Lyme was just being discovered, so I didn't get treatment right away. After diagnosis, I went through four years of antibiotics, but when the antibiotics kept making me worse, I decided to take a more naturopathic route. Luckily, I had milder symptoms when I was younger. As I age, however, they get worse--chronic widespread pain, adrenal fatigue, migraines, chemical sensitivities, leaky gut, and neuro-Lyme (brain fog, memory issues, processing and word-finding issues, etc.). That's just the tip of the ice burg.
Not everyone remembers being bit, especially if the bite was hidden in their hair. If you think you or someone you love has Lyme, find a naturopath (they are more open minded) and ask specifically for a Western Blot test. The Elisa test is useless in most Lyme cases.
Best of luck to you. Hugs, Jen
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@A MyChronicPainTeam Member thank you for the information. I have book marked your blog. Hugs.
Hi Jennifer, check out my link here on my
Blog. I wrote about it but happy to answer more questions anytime.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member, I have wanted to go to Germany for hyperthermia treatments since I first heard about its success with Lyme. Is it expensive? Could you tell me a little more about the experience? I would be very grateful for any information. I have not pursued it yet because we only have my husband's retirement moneys that we have been living on. It is difficult to take any trips, whether for pleasure or purpose, when on a fixed income.
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