Does Anyone Feel Like You Are Sick Of The Pain And Your Sad How Much Your Life Has Changed Because Of Your Pain?
There is always a reason for what ever happens to us. I have found that I have become stronger for the things that have happened to me and that I have become more compassionate of others because of the things I have suffered. I try to look for the positive aspect of life and look outward to take my mind off what is going on with me.
Don't know one person who does not!
I agree looking outward helps and dwelling on pain and limitations hurts more// not an easy task
Isn't everyone? Sometimes you just have to take happiness where you can, past is past, hope for the future and do the most for your attitude NOW-- it's all you can control
I have suffered with back pain for years. I have had a spinal fusion and many other treatments that have not helped. Pain meds do take the sharp pain away but the dull gridingbpain is still there. because I'm in FL it makes it even more difficult. I want to go back to MN where I can get help from Mayo. I had great pain relief there but when I moved to FL the hell started all over again! I hate this but that's how it is. Until I can afford to go back to MN my life is over because I rarely get out of the house. Pain runs my life or should I say ruins it!
Yes. There is no question about that. My life was stolen from me. I don't even know me. I am only existing at the moment. Does anyone dream of the good ole days, and actually remember those days? I can't quite put a finger on more recent years whether they have had a good time in that period since becoming chronically ill.
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