Has Anybody Ever Gotten Group Of Together Of People From The Same Area To Meet In Person For A Get-together? Coffee. Talk Or Fun Activity?
The ability to build up our teams with people from our geographical area is available and encouraged. Has anyone ever gotten together for coffee, drinks or a fun activity like a pot luck style picnic?
I completely agree with you. But am not in any condition to begin a group. It's very difficult for me to get out of the house. Blessings, Peace, and Love.
I've been looking for a chronic pain group in Wisconsin and a group for spouses, but so far no luck. I think we all would do better of we knew we were not alone.
The energy level makes it difficult for many, but we did have one that we maintain through email--- knowing answers may take some time
No but would really like to have one where I live and I am going to try and start a chronic pain group.
No..but it's a good idea.
Getting Together In Person, By Phone, Online Etc.
Getting Together In Person.
What Do You All Find To Do With Your Time?!! I Live Alone And Wish I Could Volunteer But I Never Er Know What Every Hour Might Be Like.