Radiofrequency Ablation
Has anyone had RFA done for lower back? My doctor said it might be the only thing I could do if I'm not wiling to undertake surgery. But the things that may go wrong with RFA are as scary as back surgery...Any feedback from those who had this done?
I've also had it done, it lasted a few months. During that time I was just glad to have some relief for even a sort time.
I've had 3 of them. The first two lasted about 6 months each. They do not completely remove the pain but reduce by probably 80%. This has allowed me to exercise and build up the core muscles in an attempt to nt need the drugs. It is working to some extent.
I had it done 5 weeks ago...and no pain relief at all. Waste of time and money! Now on more a loss now!
My friend has had it and she is worse. I know they are going to tell me I should try it but I will say absolutely not!
I have had the RFA twice on my low back, it's not painful, they gave me "awake Sedation" takes about 4 to 6 weeks to take effect, sadly, it didn't work for me, I hope you have good luck with it.
Radiofrequency Ablation
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