Have You Ever Attempted Neuroplasticity Or Re-wiring The Brain As A Way To Manage Pain?
I started with several TED talks on the subject, which are good primers but by my estimation don't have a lot of the techniques explained. So for background info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0td5aw1KXA
For information on how to take the abilty to form new neuralnets and apply it to chronic pain, I went to audiobooks from Norman Doidge http://www.audible.com/search/ref=a_search_c4_1...(Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators)&sr=1-2
The first chapter in Norman Doidge's second book (The Brain's Way of Healing) is completely about pain management - Michael Moskowitz MD suffered from chronic pain from a neck injury and leg injury. He taught himself to completely and permanently TURN OFF the pain messages in his brain using visualization and meditation techniques. Chapter 8 (I think it is) is about another brain healing device - although I'm just listening to that part today and I cannot tell how it's spelled yet (sounds like "Ponds" device or it could be PANZ device, but I'm sure it's an acronym). From what I gather it takes vibration and changes the "peaks" that the brain signals get to back to "normal" levels in traumatic brain injury patients and has been a great success.
Michael Moskowitz, MD has a website called http://www.neuroplastix.com/ and works in partnership with a woman named Marla Golden, D.O., M.S.They have a section on patient education, which I'm working my way through now. http://www.neuroplastix.com/styled-4/styled-4/p...
There are tons of books and speeches on neuroplasticity, but I'm still searching for more info on how to use specific techniques to shut off the pain areas in the brain. So far in a few days of trying it on myself, I can get about 15 seconds of relief just by visualization and some meditation techniques. I know that sounds pathetically low, but I've been in constant pain for almost 20 years, where only the most invasive nerve blocks have had even partial success. So this is MAJOR for me, and it's a stepping stone.
Hi @A MyChronicPainTeam Member that would be brilliant as I would be very interested in how it works I'll add you to my team, if i manage to!! Lol !! I just don't understand the concept of re-training your brain when it has worked in a particular way for many years. I can grasp it for the monks as my understanding is that they start learning to meditate so deeply at a young age before it is contaminated I would think so. What an amazing treatment this would be imagine reducing all your meds. good luck x
Thanks, @A MyChronicPainTeam Member - if I find something particularly useful, I'll pass it along. Right now, I have a basic understanding of why it works (reportedly) but not really sure what the steps are that I should take to start implementing it.
Years ago, scientists believed that the brain was hard-wired or fixed at some point in early adulthood, but now neuroscientists know that we can change our brains until the day we die. They call this ability neuroplasticity.
I'm still learning.
Hi Dawn like you I am a new member. I have tried a range of treatments but have now been told that there is nothing else for me to be able to try. I have not heard of neuroplasticity before so watch the clip. Wow it was interesting & now I want to try & find out as much as I can about it too. I hope that you find an answer to your question & that the treament is able to reduce you pain by at least 50% as quoted in the clip. I would be interested in finding out how you do. Best of luck.
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