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Is Anyone Managing Chronic Pain With Chronic Opioid Therapy While Having A Substance Use Disorder?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
White River Junction, VT

My story is long but i will try to hit my key points quickly and if anyone has suggestions or questions or would just like to know more about me I am more then willing to share that with them. I am trying to find someone/anyone who is dealing with addiction and chronic pain. I have had chronic pain since I was 12 years old. Started with my feet and moved upwards over the years. I started self medicating at the age of 34 when I got sent from doctor to doctor, treatment after treatment and… read more

August 27, 2016
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

What about a morphine pump? It helps me and you don't get "high" from it.

October 17, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I don't know if I answered this before. I also self medicated, plus drank a lot. Anything to help with the pain. I stopped drinking and abusing my pain meds about a year before I was finally sent to a pain clinic. They put me on an opioid. I did pretty good on it, except for my headaches. They would only give me so many pills, if I ran out early, tough for me!!! I had to suffer. My ex was in the Army so I have been to a few pain clinics and it is always the same.

I know all the Doctors that use medication for people who have addictions usually only have them on it for a year. It sounds like you have been on yours for over that, but I didn't check your medication or where your from. Some people can go on to an opioid after an addiction, and others can't. I am honest with my Doctor. I have told her twice. Please don't give me that again, I love the high I get from it. She didn't make a big deal out of it. Just marked it in BIG red letters in my chart so no one will give it to me again. That is just me and my experiences. Maybe your Doctor might be willing to just lower or stop your addiction medication, and see what happens. Just a thought.

December 11, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Have you considered methadone? It usually involves clinic visits six days a week some group and individual therapy ..its safe as a pain reliever and is widely used for treating opiate addiction.. I was at a clinic for seven years before I finally found a doctor willing to treat my chronic pain w morphine and oxycodone...if I hadn't gone to treatment and got my life together falling back into my addiction would have followed any attempts at staying clean...since you're working and have a support system this approach might not work for is worth considering though

February 21, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I am using a non opiate treatment it does the opposite effect to your brain

January 27, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Hi sweetie, I am a recovering Alcoholic 37 years....when my pain gets bad its hard not to self medicate with something other than my old daughter is a recovering addict....she started having fibromyalgia pain and went to a pain doc. She took heavy duty narcotics...then her signifcant other was smoking pot and she started smoking it. She came up dirty on a UA at the pain docs. So she was kicked out. This caused her to eventually use heroine. Along with that comes the life if you know what I mean. Any way she is now clean almost 6 years. She lives with chronic pain and takes subuxion.....if you are seeing a pain doc make sure you take the meds correctly....this could send you back to your old life....big hugs....

January 24, 2017

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