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How Do You Deal With The Boredom?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
Sanford, FL

I'm so bored. I've had this chronic pain/nausea for a little over a year now and I'm going stir crazy. I've designed jewelry, scrapbooking, reading, writting, TV, movies.... I've nearly seen everything Netflix has to offer.

I can't walk or stand longer then 10-15mins at a time, on a decent day I can push myself to go further but usually regret it by the end of the day. And my chronic condition has literally broke my bank, just can't afford a new hobbie.

Just curious what you do to keep busy… read more

August 18, 2016
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I know being bored, going stir crazy,I bought a tablet and get kindle unlimited, love reading since my dibillitating ilness', Yes I would much rather be cleaning house, doing laundry or taking a walk, my life isnt about this anymore so I find what I can to keep my mind occupied and busy so im not depressing myself over sitting or laying in one place feeling the pain 24/7...

August 20, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Fighting the boredom is a constant battle and finding ways to distract yourself from the pain can be next to impossible. I find it hard to focus or engage in activities that I once loved. Not sure there really is an answer except to keep trying and just do your best on any given day

August 20, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I'm recording all the TV shows so I can fast forward through the commercials! Also I joined a book club and don't always make all the meetings but the interaction of the people helps me stay involved with others. I also have friends come over while I lay on the couch. I text a lot and find it easier than expending energy I don't have. I try to do 1 or 2 things a day and try not to get upset at myself for not doing more!

August 22, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I read books like crazy and work with my dogs. I can sit while having them fetch tennis balls when my husband throws them. Occasionally I can walk with my husband into the garden and get tomatoes. In my wheelchair I still helped put up 10 quarts of tomatoes and tomarrow we will make tomatoe soup to store. I draw on a very limited time frame or color with pencils some of the neat new adult coloring books. I have began to work with clay making miniture animals and flowers. And most of all I love being on my laptop and laying propped up next to my service animals even if it is for small bursts at a time.

August 28, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I understand stir crazy!! I keep trying new things and get bored. I force myself to take short walks except when it's over 110!! I'm into painting now and boy am I bad. I've watched everything on Netflix too. I take free online courses with Coursera.Learn about food, brain, pain, etc.

August 18, 2016

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